Blog by PN, Within Reach Global intern.
There has been a huge increase in students coming to our English Corners at The Hub the last couple of months.
Learn more about The Hub outreach center here.
On Tuesday’s we consistently have over 50 students and on Wednesday’s at least 60 students come to practice their English. More than just playing games, we try to make our meetings a meaningful time where the students can open up and talk about their life, and they often ask us to do the same.
Check out Facebook photos here.
Last week one student said, “The discussion portion of English Corner has helped me to think more creatively about life, to really consider what is important.”
These university students are in such a pivotal time in their life so we challenge them to consider what they truly value, what it looks like to build meaningful friendships and how to pursue their goals—rather than getting caught up in the busyness of life and missing these meaningful years. Many other students have shared how this English Corner has impacted their lives and is such a safe environment to express themselves, knowing that they won’t be rejected if they say something wrong but can just give it another try.

All in all, we want to introduce these students to the love and reality of Christ. Sometimes it’s a quick process, sometimes it’s not.
More Facebook photos of The Hub growth.
One student in particular attended our English Corner at The Hub for over two years before accepting Christ. Before, he was an outspoken Buddhist but at a meeting over the summer I was walking with him and he suddenly said, “I’m beginning to believe in Jesus.” I was a bit surprised and asked, “Why?” He said, “I’ve seen a kindness and love in all of you that is different than anything I’ve seen before. You guys aren’t pretending to care about us. This love must be something greater than any human could show on their own—it’s God’s love.”
He continued to consider these things and eventually became a Christian.
Jesus said that others would know we are His disciples by our love. In a country that has a huge population and where many young people feel insignificant or forgotten, we’re trying to show that there is a perfect Father that loves them unconditionally and has a plan for them. English Corner at The Hub is just one simple way of doing that, but it is opening the door to reach hundreds of students.
Check out The Hub fundraiser we recently did!
It can be a struggle at times, but as you look out into a sea of hungry souls you can’t help but continue to try and share this love that has changed so many.