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Jailed Chinese Missionaries Preach Boldly After Their Interrogation

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For many Christians throughout history, a little jail time could not hinder the gospel’s advancement and forward momentum. So too with Within Reach Global’s indigenous Chinese missionaries. On July 9, 2021, dozens of armed police officers burst into the meeting room where our Within Reach Global missionaries conducted an underground leadership training. Over 20 believers…

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Blessing Tribes In The Conflict Zone

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The entire world has become more aware of the Burma Conflict because of recent protests and stories in the news. In February 2021, the military took control of the country. Since then, unrest gripped not only the major cities but the border regions as well when the Burma Army dropped bombs on innocent villages. Many…

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2019 Year In Review

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2019 is over and 2020 brings a new season of purpose and joy as you take part in God’s missions mandate. But before we jump into a new year, we want to pause and remember what God did in and through us in 2019. Isaiah 26:12 describes what really took place in 2019: “All that…

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Within Reach Global Has a New Operations Director

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We are thrilled to announce that our new operations directors just joined Within Reach Global! But before we get into the details of their story, let’s back up a bit. In October, we will celebrate ten years of God’s faithfulness through the ministry of Within Reach Global. We have shared the Gospel with thousands of…

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The Free Gift of Healing for a Kemu Tribal Woman

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After an hour-long travel over bumpy roads, we arrived at a Kemu tribal village. Officially, there are 56 ethnic people groups in China. However, proper estimates raise that number to nearly 500. The Kemu are one of the smallest tribes in China. As we entered the Kemu village, Lorna saw an old woman sitting by…

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I only give the first row candy just like the Church only gives the reached world Jesus

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It might have come across a little crass, but I’m glad I did it. The world we live in is not a fair place. Not everyone gets the nice home, the picket fence, the freedoms and health care and the equal opportunities. And not everyone gets Jesus. Sadly, not everyone gets Jesus. #missions #unreached Click…

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If you say you care about the kingdom of God then it’s natural to care about the unreached

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The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every alcove and cranny of the earth. The Spirit of God is coursing over precipitous mountains in Southeast Asia, refreshing communities embanked along Africa’s rushing rivers, awakening longing spirits in North America’s urban neighborhoods. The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every…

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Vignettes and glimpses of Within Reach Global outreach

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It’s happening now: the pitter-patter of tattered shoes treading over mountain and valley, rock and heather. Mud clumps cling to the shallow cleats underneath missionary boots, and although the journey slows, our ambition swells. “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known”—this our intention like that of the…

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A short-term American team’s journey to unreached regions

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Every Within Reach Global excursion to China’s rural countryside is a unique glimpse of the unreached world, a panoramic reminder that the Great Commission task is not yet finished. The global Church is busy with multiple ministries and missional outreach—most of which are wonderful examples of the heart of God. But sadly, in our busyness,…

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International Day for the Unreached

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Today is a special day, a day that holds great meaning for us at Within Reach Global. In fact, it’s the reason that this ministry exists. Our motto simply stated is this: Honor God. Reach the unreached.     So with that in mind, we encourage you to head on over to There’s 2…

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