
The Hub Students Transform Their Own Culture

800 600 Within Reach Global

“It is so great to witness the transformation of our Chinese friends,” our Filipino missionary told us a few days ago. “It is truly encouraging and inspiring as we have played a small part in helping them open their hearts and minds to reach out to those in need. They are not only thinking of…

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Blazing New Trails: Brand New Promo Video

922 519 Within Reach Global

We have a passion to be the voice for the voiceless; to remind the Christian community of the plight of the yet unreached people groups throughout Southeast Asia. We have recognized a hunger for God over the years, and truly believe that today these people are within reach. If only we would step up to…

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3,000 Miles For The Persecuted Church

800 534 Within Reach Global

Or should we call it 3,000 miles for unreached people groups who have yet to hear of Jesus? Or maybe all those miles were for the special needs children of Within Reach Global, for the orphans, for the hundreds of college students being reached by the gospel. Maybe it was simply 3,000 miles for sake…

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Ordaining 4 New Local Missionaries

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“Here’s how we’ll do it,” I said. “One by one I will have each of them come stand in front. Anyone who wants to share an encouraging story or testimony about them will have a chance. Then each of them will tell us why they want to be ordained. We will all lay hands on…

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Auntie Zhang’s Son Commits Suicide When His Mother Dies

800 600 Within Reach Global

Not every story from the frontlines of the mission field ends happily ever after. Yes, we rejoice that Auntie Zhang has gone to be with her Savior, but the lostness of her family brings us sadness. “Just recently, we were walking to Auntie Zhang’s home to visit her after church,” Brother Yin, our local missionary…

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Local Missionary Convention: Roadmapping And Strategic Planning

800 534 Within Reach Global

“We are trailblazers, bringing light and living water to unreached people groups.” That is the new vision statement for our tribal ministry here at Within Reach Global. Our partner pastor from Northern Philippines has been sowing into the tribal church planting ministry of Within Reach Global for over four years now. He has taken all…

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Unconventional Salvation Through An Online QQ Chat

800 534 Within Reach Global

Brother Zhou’s story of meeting Jesus is truly an amazing and unique one for us at Within Reach Global. This ministry focuses on reaching unreached people groups in village settings. That is our specialty. That is what we excel at, focus on, and how God has been leading us for over a decade. But on…

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A Trailblazer, A Handful Of Seeds, And A Vibrant Harvest

800 600 Within Reach Global

A handful of seeds. An unreached village. A willing missionary. Trailblazing feet. And then time. God watches over the times and seasons. He is always faithful to cause the simple seeds we sow to grow into a vibrant harvest. In 2004, a tremendous harvest was wrapped up inside a tiny handful of seeds. It was…

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Powerful Underground Training With 80 Christian Leaders

1024 683 Within Reach Global

“It’s a new season for China!” I said as our training began. There I stood in front of the faces of China’s heroes. “Don’t be afraid of this new season. Welcome it. You are a trailblazer!” Shouts of praise erupted from the many Church leaders in front of me. “It’s a new season for China!…

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New Ministry: The Hub Students Teach Orphans English

1024 683 Within Reach Global

A brand new and exciting ministry just started through The Hub student center. The lives of migrant workers’ children and orphan kids are being transformed with the love of God. Migrant workers’ children & orphan kids are being transformed with the love of God. Click To Tweet The Hub, our student ministry center, has been hosting…

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