Posts Tagged :

village ministry

100 Million “Left-Behind” Children in China

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China’s urban migration plan comes at a cost.  We have been traveling to villages in rural Southwest China for over a decade. But today the population has shifted dramatically. The middle-aged demographic is no longer seen in the countrysides. Children are left behind as their parents seek new jobs in the city. Please pray for our…

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2015 Year In Review

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We saw amazing things happen at Within Reach Global in 2015! 3 countries 6 outreach centers 13 local missionaries from 7 different people groups 10 foreign missionaries 9 church plants 10 tons of clothing given to the poor 150 led through our discipleship course 3-5 English Corners per week 120 students reached through Camps 135…

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Dear Dad, Thank You For Giving Me The Gift Of China

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Let me start with, I am not the missionary type… April 2014, my boots first hit foreign soil. Four days before I left for a China mission trip with my church, I was in Vegas. Doing what I always did. Chasing vapors and drowning broken dreams. I have not lived a “clean life” I did…

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There’s A Bunch Of People Who Have Never Heard Of Jesus, And Chances Are, You Don’t Care

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I don’t mean to be rude, but I have to be honest: the odds are, mathematically, stacked against you. There’s a bunch of people who have never heard the gospel. Chances are, you don’t care. Click To Tweet   THE 10/40 WINDOW The 10/40 Window is home to 6,921 unreached people groups. (Joshua Project) 2.82 billion…

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Embracing The Crazy A Missionary’s Recollection Of Chinese Reactions To Their New Christian Life

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  * Names changed for security purposes.   To believe in God is to embrace something that will radically change our lives. We all know this. Those who have truly embraced the call to follow Christ know how drastically it can transform a life. Change isn’t comfortable. To many people here, to embrace that kind…

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Sad Update: 11 Year Old Yuxiang Passed Away This Afternoon

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She has always been in His arms. Now she can see the One who is holding her. Our hearts broke as we heard the news today. Our local missionary left us a tearful voice message, “This afternoon, a few minutes past 3:pm, Yuxiang left us.” A tearful voice message, “This afternoon, a few minutes past 3:pm,…

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Poor Little Princess. 11 Year Old Yuxiang Has Comprehensive Meningitis

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She smiles less than most children her age. After all, she has grown up in the strong grip of poverty. Her father left her and her mother for another woman. Her mother turned to drugs and is now an addict. On top of that, she has recently been struck with comprehensive meningitis. A terrible story.…

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Chinese Christian Relief Efforts After Massive Earthquake Kills 367 (Video)

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One year ago this month a massive earthquake (read blog here) rocked the region near Orphan Home outreach center, killing nearly 400 people. It was a tragedy. But in the midst of ashes, God always makes a way to share the light of the gospel. In the midst of ashes, God always makes a way…

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God Shows Up At Yet Another Powerful Underground Training

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Last month, our foreign and local missionaries joined together to pull off yet another incredible underground training at 26 Tribes outreach center. These discipleship trainings are a focal point of Within Reach Global, knowing that it propels passionate young Christians to pursue God in their spheres of influence, taking the gospel to places it has…

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Persecution And Interrogation After Seeing Breakthrough Among Unreached People

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“They beat him up! They kicked him,” they cried. We held each others’ shoulders in sadness. “They beat up our beloved brother!”   Our van bumped along the winding dirt paths leading up to an unreached people group that we have been targeting for almost 10 years. The banana plantations dotted the valley landscape through…

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