What Happened At Our Christian Camp Outreach
https://withinreachglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/What-Happened-At-Our-Christian-Camp-Outreach-002-1024x719.jpg 1024 719 Within Reach Global Within Reach Global https://withinreachglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/What-Happened-At-Our-Christian-Camp-Outreach-002-1024x719.jpg“I am an overcomer!” was the exclamation of 100 Chinese students who attended our 2 day 2013 Chinese Christian Camp at Within Reach Global. The camp consisted of students from more than six universities, many different unreached tribal people groups, and twenty-five foreign short and long term missionaries. If you missed it, the Chinese Christian…
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