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Our First Thought Was To Get Financial Support From Wealthy Chinese Businessmen, But It Turned Into So Much More

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Recently, one of our missionaries had a brilliant idea. Why not present the Within Reach Global vision of reaching unreached peoples to wealthy Chinese Christian businessmen and businesswomen? For years, we have been praying that financial support would arise from within—local Christians supporting our outreach centers among unreached peoples and college students in China. More…

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Underground Missionaries See Healings In Discipleship Class On Historically Persecution High Alert National Day

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Our missionaries are action people. They are easily bored by the status quo. They are counter-cultural ragamuffins. It’s National Day in China right now, and everyone is enjoying a 5 day holiday. But instead of resting, Within Reach Global missionaries decided to take the opportunity to pour their lives into new Christians who are considering…

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Why Should The Church Focus On Reaching The Unreached?

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You want to give to places where there is great fruitfulness. Everyone wants their lives to count for something, to create true life transformation and community impact.  So it is correct to be passionate about about a focus on fruitfulness.  What you give money to should have longevity. What you sow your life into should…

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The Tragic Sickness And Health Battles That Have Plagued Our Missionary Team Have Resulted In Powerful Victories

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We’ve heard it said, “If the road is easy, you’re likely going the wrong way.” If that’s the case, we must be doing something right! Our missionaries at Within Reach Global have been passionately reaching out to people who have still never heard of Jesus before. We call these them the unreached and unengaged people groups of the…

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6 New Believers Publicly Baptized In The Lancang River

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“The harvest is in the seed.” That’s what our local missionary, Brother Yang, told me many years ago. We are now seeing fruit spring up in an area where the gospel has been largely unheard of before. Our local missionaries have been discipling a small group of young people at 26 Tribes outreach center for months. We believe…

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American Teams Bring The Message Of Jesus To Unreached Villages In China

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This month we hosted 2 short term teams from America, from Victory Faith Fellowship in Spokane, WA and from The Rock of Roseville in Northern California. A total of 19 people traversed the Pacific and arrived in China to help us reach some of the least reached people groups of Southeast Asia. We traveled 9 hours by bus to 26…

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Missionary Died Thinking He Was A Failure; 84 Years Later Thriving Churches Found Hidden In The Jungle

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Being a missionary is difficult because you cannot calculate success like a businessman can, measuring results by total assets, number of staff, or financial income. Life transformation is not nearly as tangible as most occupational positions. Being a missionary is measurable in eternal coin, but admittedly, we are oftentimes too busy or dense to notice…

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9 Reasons Why These 9 Baptisms Are So Shocking

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Powerful things are happening at Pilot outreach center! These baptisms are proof of God’s presence. Here’s why these baptisms are so shocking.   9. They happened during threats of persecution. You can’t just go out to a public lake and start baptizing people in China. Even with the promise of “religious freedom”, the government won’t…

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120 Of China’s Future Leaders Joined Our Annual Student Camp

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On May 1-3 we hosted our Within Reach Global annual student camp. Every year it is a powerful time of college students and young professionals being exposed to the gospel in fun and exciting ways.  We invite the hundreds of young people who join our weekly English Corners to attend the 3 day camp, searching for those…

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Missionaries Are My Heroes, But Even Superheroes Need A Chance To Rest

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Most missionaries who live in cross cultural settings are stretched far beyond their capacity. The harvest is vast, and it’s hard to say “no” to the desperate needs witnessed on a daily basis. Our Within Reach Global Staff—a mixture of foreign and local Chinese missionaries—have been working tirelessly to bring the gospel to unreached ethnic…

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