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It Only Takes $5,000 To Build Outreach Center Among Burmese Poverty, Drugs And Human Trafficking

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To places entrenched with poverty, illegal drugs and human trafficking—that’s exactly where we at Within Reach Global want to be! Give us the deepest pits of human existence and darkest corners of the globe. We want to shine gospel light into every nook and cranny of the planet.   Does it not stir up our…

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Chinese Missionaries Say: Here I Am Lord. Send Me!

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In the first week of November, all the Within Reach Global local missionaries and foreign staff gathered together for a 3 day convention at The Hub outreach center. Many of them traveled nearly 10 hours from our other outreach centers that they minister at.   Post by Within Reach Global. We heard some amazing reports,…

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What If There Were Only 7 Churches In North America?

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Some Christians ask: “How can we be concerned about other countries when there is so much evangelism yet to be done here at home?” To answer that question, consider this worker to need ratio: In North Africa, there is only one Christian pastor or missionary for every two million people. What a great imbalance! If…

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I Am A Missionary

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This week in church we watched one of the best short films on missions that we had ever seen. It is incredibly simple, but straightforward and moving, inspiring us again to follow the missionary call upon our lives. We pray that it inspires you to get deeper involved with cross cultural missions at Within Reach…

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When A Witch Doctor Dies

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When a witch doctor dies, the unexpected occurs.   No chopping off of chicken heads and sprinkling blood in animistic ritual. No dangling dog teeth over corpses. No dark wizardry. We have shared meals of live grub worms and cat soup with him. We have laughed with him and spoken truth into his life. We knew…

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Reaching Unengaged People Groups Through Urban Mission

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I have spent some serious time on rural Chinese mountain tops, hours conversing with former headhunting tribes and ethnic minorities and unreached people groups. Real life people kind of ministry, where life rubs off onto life, and handshakes and hugs and smiles ensue. Conversations usually take place over wok fried leafy greens and spicy oil…

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Missions Impacting Families

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The thought of impacting families is an integral facet of missions, but sadly so often overlooked. Admittedly, in the past even by Within Reach Global. For years we trekked through rural mountain villages in China, seeking hungry hearts to share the gospel with. We targeted young people, future leaders and culture shapers. And we still…

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More Persecution, More Growth

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“More persecution, more growth. That is the history of the Church!” Pastor Samuel Lamb, a Chinese Christian who was imprisoned for his faith for 21 years, grins with a toothy smile as he let’s you in on the reality of Christian persecution. “More growth,” he repeats, and then he is silent, contemplating his years of…

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Boldness Beyond Persecution

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Blog by Sister Li, Within Reach Global local missionary.   This is an update from our persecuted local missionaries at The Edge outreach center near Myanmar. Update from our persecuted local missionaries at The Edge outreach center near Myanmar. Click To Tweet Check out previous blogs on persecution, and what happened to them here: Persecution…

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Intensive Leadership Training Inspires New Ministries

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As Within Reach Global is expanding its leadership base, it is a huge favor and blessing to send our local missionaries to the Philippines for an intensive leadership training. The training, which is every year for two months, focuses on training the persecuted leaders of mainland China. The goal is to strengthen and give rest…

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