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The Lord Has Need Of Them

Within Reach Global

Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. Of course you’ve heard that before, right? But just the other night we were thinking about a verse in Matthew that not many people remember. Matthew 21:2-3 “…Jesus sent His two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a…

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The 700 Club Asia Highlights Ako Ay Pilipino: A Message Of Hope

Within Reach Global

The Ako Ay Pilipino “Mahal Mo Ba Ako?” concert was recently highlighted on the 700 Club Asia. A number of popular Filipino bands partnered with the Ako Ay Pilipino Movement to rock out and spread the relevant message of hope for the Philippines. There are many more concerts and gigs to come as we challenge…

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The Monk Is Back! (He Just Can’t Escape)

800 600 Within Reach Global

God’s got His radar fixed on the highest ranking Buddhist monk in the 26 Tribes region! See how this happened at The Monk Is Here. Only three months ago, June 2010, we traveled to our training center to do leadership development with a visiting pastor. Through a series of supernatural events (see story below), we…

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26 Tribes Trip, State Church And Underground Leadership Trainings

Within Reach Global

“The thing that moved me most was the teacher’s supernatural testimonies,” said one of the underground leaders who attended the 26 Tribes training. “For me it was the pastor’s challenge to get our assignment from the Holy Spirit, and walk in kingdom power,” said another underground leader. Within Reach Global has been partnering with churches,…

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Five Year Old Li Yan’s Heart Surgery

1024 576 Within Reach Global

It has always been our heart to reach out to the poor and forgotten, and five year old Wa girl Li Yan is a perfect example. In June, we heard about Li Yan through our co-workers at The Edge center near Myanmar. Since the age of one, Li Yan has had a life-threatening heart problem…

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Help Make The Ako Ay Pilipino Kickstarter Successful

Within Reach Global

The Ako Ay Pilipino Movement is inspiring thousands of people to realize their identity and fulfill their God-given destiny to make the Philippines a missionary-sending nation in Southeast Asia. In July, 2009 we kicked off the movement by creating the Ako Ay Pilipino: Noon at Ngayon coffee table book, and launched it to over 4,000…

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The Monk Is Here

800 450 Within Reach Global

Let me tell you about an miraculous spiritual breakthrough that just happened to us. After driving 9 hours to the 26 Tribes center, our American, Filipino and Indian team found a hotel and got settled in. We were all so tired from the long travel, and most of us went up to our rooms. But…

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Unreached People Groups In The 21st Century?

Within Reach Global

Sometimes the phrase unreached people groups can be very abstract. Afterall, it’s the 21st century. How could there really be people who have never heard of Jesus before? As you’re driving your car down any given street, you will pass church after church. Turn on the TV and you’ll see a tele-evangelist preaching the gospel.…

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