Within Reach Global

Would the Ancestors Join our Mission Team?

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It only takes a couple of days in Southeast Asia to realize HOW IMPORTANT the ancestors are to families and the culture.  Most people believe that the dead continue living in the “afterlife” and need relatives to send things to them to make their afterlife better. People go to immense effort to keep the graves…

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7 Ways to Pray for the Women of the 10/40 Window

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Who are the women of the 10/40 window? They are daughters, they are businesswomen, they are widows, they are beggars, they are teachers, they are farmers, they are mothers; they live in cities, they live in remote villages, they live in brothels, they live in high-rises. They are beautiful, each with her own story. And…

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The Parable of the Unreached People Group Fisherman

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This parable is a vision that Father God gave me when sitting on the banks of the Mekong River in China, and seeking His heart for the unreached people of that area.  There once was a fisherman who went out to sea. He loved catching all kinds of fish and tried to catch as many…

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10 Practical and Powerful Ways to Support Missionaries

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Sadly, over the centuries of missionary efforts, there has been a huge disconnect between the church at home and those sent to the mission field. People at home are not sure what to do or say to us on the field, and we on the field often feel forgotten and abandoned. At the same time,…

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10 New Year Resolutions for Missions

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A new year is here and with it come a wide array of new initiatives, ambitions, and resolutions. Many of these resolutions will prove altruistic and some will see them come to pass. Others will pass into oblivion and the opportunities for change will wait for yet another year. With new year’s resolutions swirling around…

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Small Town China

What reaching the unreached looks like for me

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I arrive in the little “old town” tourist area a half hour before class. It is 9:30 in the morning and the sleepy little town is just waking up. Merchants are opening stores, vendors are selling steamed buns and ladies are washing their hair in buckets outside their shops. I like to walk through the…

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14-year-old Burmese girl rescued, baptized, and growing in her new Christian faith

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If ever there was an unassuming ragamuffin misfit whom God loves to use to display His glory to the nations it is Zhang Rong. He has been working with us at Within Reach Global for over 13 years, planting churches in hard-to-reach regions. Zhang Rong and his family serve at The Edge outreach center, rescuing…

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I only give the first row candy just like the Church only gives the reached world Jesus

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It might have come across a little crass, but I’m glad I did it. The world we live in is not a fair place. Not everyone gets the nice home, the picket fence, the freedoms and health care and the equal opportunities. And not everyone gets Jesus. Sadly, not everyone gets Jesus. #missions #unreached Click…

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If you say you care about the kingdom of God then it’s natural to care about the unreached

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The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every alcove and cranny of the earth. The Spirit of God is coursing over precipitous mountains in Southeast Asia, refreshing communities embanked along Africa’s rushing rivers, awakening longing spirits in North America’s urban neighborhoods. The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every…

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Tibetan Prayer Flags

Free Tibet

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The Roof of the World – it sounds so dramatic, adventurous and cold. If you mention Tibet or Tibetan people, many people think of Mount Everest, the Dalai Lama or the Brad Pitt movie. Maybe the first mention a westerner might hear is a Hollywood star shouting, “Free Tibet.” “Free Tibet” is a slogan I…

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