Gift Catalog > Missionary > Gilbert & Maribel Unica Thailand

Gilbert & Maribel Unica – Thailand
Urban/rural evangelism, discipleship, & church planting among unreached peoples
Your sponsorship will help the Unica family share the gospel and make disciples among unreached people in Thailand. Learn more about the Unica family.
Suggested gift: $50/month
Your gift helps support this missionary’s $1,250/month need.
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In 2022, Gilbert and Maribel Unica, and their two children, joined Within Reach Global to serve unreached people groups in Thailand. The Unicas are a pivotal part of the ministry among the Chinese, Thai, and tribal groups in Thailand.
Prayer concerns:
- Smooth processing and budget for their visa in Thailand (4 people).
- Provision for their two kids homeschooling with Accelerated Christian Education (ACE).
- Monthly house rental and ministry budget.
- Ministry vehicle ( 7-seater van).
Donations and Contact Info:
You can support the Unica family through the donation box above. You may also give through the following QR codes. (Please click to expand if the QR codes are too small to scan.)
Gilbert Seville Unica
Metrobank account: 038-3038-215079
Email: |
Facebook: gilbert unica
Gcash Mobile: +639299777579 – Philippines
Thailand Mobile: +66-622154211 – Chiang Mai, Thailand
Maribel Casignia Unica
BDO bank account: 0074-5026=9144
Facebook: Maribel Casignia
Gcash Mobile: +639182023512 – Philippines
+66-622154211 – Chiang Mai, Thailand
History and bio:
Gilbert was initially sent out by his church in the Philippines. He trained in Asian Center for Missions Philippines (ACM) as a cross-cultural missionary to unreached people groups in 2000 and deployed as a career missionary in 2002-2019.
Maribel was sent out by her Filipino church in Hong Kong, trained in Asian Center for Mobilization (Hong Kong), and deployed as a career missionary in 2001-2019. Their missionary involvement includes:
- Children and youth ministry
- Campus ministry
- Underground Bible school training
- Teaching and equipping new believers.
Gilbert and Maribel met in Southeast Asia during an international mission exposure trip in 2002. At that time, they both sensed God calling them to long-term missions as a couple in Asia.
They were married on December 29, 2006. God blessed them with two children: Paul Jabez was born in 2011 and Qianna was born in 2017. Both children were born on the mission field.
During their service, the Unicas trained and discipled young indigenous believers as full-time Christian workers. These believers became church leaders and pastors to their own people groups in the country they served.
The Unicas returned to the Philippines in December 2019 for a month-long vacation. Though they longed to return to the mission field, the COVID-19 pandemic left them stranded in their hometown. There, they helped their local church in evangelism and mission outreach.
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