Posts By :

David Joannes

Look At This Map And Tell Me God Is Disinterested In Asia

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Each color on this map depicts about half the world’s population.   John 3:16 speaks of God’s love for the world. By “the world”, we understand it to mean “people”. God is intimately interested in people. Lots of them. Over 7 billion of them. For even “the hairs on our head are numbered”. He is…

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Sad Update: 11 Year Old Yuxiang Passed Away This Afternoon

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She has always been in His arms. Now she can see the One who is holding her. Our hearts broke as we heard the news today. Our local missionary left us a tearful voice message, “This afternoon, a few minutes past 3:pm, Yuxiang left us.” A tearful voice message, “This afternoon, a few minutes past 3:pm,…

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Poor Little Princess. 11 Year Old Yuxiang Has Comprehensive Meningitis

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She smiles less than most children her age. After all, she has grown up in the strong grip of poverty. Her father left her and her mother for another woman. Her mother turned to drugs and is now an addict. On top of that, she has recently been struck with comprehensive meningitis. A terrible story.…

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An Honest Look At My Own Tendency Toward Christian Professionalism And Celebrity

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Sometimes I have a flash of lucidity, suddenly enlightened that my dreams are ever so hollow. Many of my plans and purposes are self perpetuating, self sustained, self absorbed. They are all about self, which leaves little room for the divine—cramped space for God’s presence. But, alas, I have become an expert at hiding the…

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Bid My Anxious Fears Subside (Thoughts On The Missionary Venture)

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One of my missionary friends to China recently penned his moving musings in a post on Facebook. It started out with these words:   When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside.   When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside. Click To Tweet Those initial words…

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Don’t Fling Seed Without A Thought For Harvesting

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Every time I read a post from my friend, Justin Long, I am provoked, contemplative and inspired. Justin’s recent article, Don’t Fling Seed Without A Thought For Harvesting, helped articulate for me my own thoughts on short term missions and long term vision. It’s something that we always talk about with short term teams who come…

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China Sees Red: Christian Protest Puts Hundreds Of Crosses Back In Public

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This post from Christianity Today is noteworthy as China’s Christians take a stand for the gospel in a dangerous political climate. China’s Christians take a stand for the gospel in a dangerous political climate. Click To Tweet Bright red Christian crosses are being publicly displayed all over Zhejiang province. “We will make the cross flourish in…

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Chinese Christian Relief Efforts After Massive Earthquake Kills 367 (Video)

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One year ago this month a massive earthquake (read blog here) rocked the region near Orphan Home outreach center, killing nearly 400 people. It was a tragedy. But in the midst of ashes, God always makes a way to share the light of the gospel. In the midst of ashes, God always makes a way…

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God Shows Up At Yet Another Powerful Underground Training

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Last month, our foreign and local missionaries joined together to pull off yet another incredible underground training at 26 Tribes outreach center. These discipleship trainings are a focal point of Within Reach Global, knowing that it propels passionate young Christians to pursue God in their spheres of influence, taking the gospel to places it has…

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Christian Ministry: Creating A Culture Of Releasing People

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This is a great article that may help ministries better understand why some people won’t stick around, and also as they let them go, it is actually a good thing, “seeding” them for greater ministry elsewhere. We never “own” anyone in ministry. This article can certainly help some ministries release people without burning their bridges. –…

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