What if there were only 7 churches in north america

What If There Were Only 7 Churches In North America?

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Some Christians ask: “How can we be concerned about other countries when there is so much evangelism yet to be done here at home?”

To answer that question, consider this worker to need ratio:

In North Africa, there is only one Christian pastor or missionary for every two million people.

What a great imbalance!

If the ratio of Christian workers to total population that exists in North Africa were applied to the U.S. and Canada, those two countries would have about 120 full-time Christian workers living in them. Also, there would be only 7 small churches in the entirety of those two countries.

Here’s a visual representation of that what the church situation in the U.S. and Canada would look like if the North Africa worker to need ratio was applied to those two countries:

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Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”


We are experiencing this missionary task force imbalance at The Bridge, the Within Reach Global outreach center among 100,000 college students.

Please pray for us as we reach the least reached people groups and college students in Southeast Asia.

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Statistics slightly outdated. Adapted from Mission Frontiers, a publication of the U.S. Center for World Mission.