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Jailed Chinese Missionaries Preach Boldly After Their Interrogation
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392SHARESShareTweet For many Christians throughout history, a little jail time could not hinder the gospel’s advancement and forward momentum. So too with Within Reach Global’s indigenous Chinese missionaries. On July…

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Blessing Tribes In The Conflict Zone
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0SHARESShareTweet The entire world has become more aware of the Burma Conflict because of recent protests and stories in the news. In February 2021, the military took control of the…

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Open Hearts In Rural Thailand
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0SHARESShareTweet   Last Friday, our Thai Outreach team went to Lamphun to meet with several pastors and plan for future outreach opportunities in their area. After the meeting, one of…

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2019 Year In Review
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557SHARESShareTweet 2019 is over and 2020 brings a new season of purpose and joy as you take part in God’s missions mandate. But before we jump into a new year,…

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7 Reasons to Come to Thailand On Missions
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791SHARESShareTweet The Kingdom of Thailand is a land of many smiles. It is a beautiful country and one of the world’s top tourist destinations. You may have thought about coming…

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Within Reach Global Has a New Operations Director
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0SHARESShareTweet We are thrilled to announce that our new operations directors just joined Within Reach Global! But before we get into the details of their story, let’s back up a…

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Vision at Our Local Missionary Convention
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316SHARESShareTweet With China’s constant governmental and seasonal changes, our role at Within Reach Global is changing. We will continue to pioneer new outreaches among unreached people groups, disciple new believers,…

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The Free Gift of Healing for a Kemu Tribal Woman
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587SHARESShareTweet After an hour-long travel over bumpy roads, we arrived at a Kemu tribal village. Officially, there are 56 ethnic people groups in China. However, proper estimates raise that number…

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Salvation in an Unreached Lahu Village After Six Years of Outreach
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431SHARESShareTweet For the last six years, our local missionaries at 26 Tribes outreach center have been traveling to a Lahu tribal village. This village was completely unreached. There were no…

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International Day for the Unreached
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486SHARESShareTweet This is an important day. It’s a day that stirs our souls with passion for God’s glory and for those who have never heard of Him before. Sunday, May…

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Would the Ancestors Join our Mission Team?
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554SHARESShareTweet It only takes a couple of days in Southeast Asia to realize HOW IMPORTANT the ancestors are to families and the culture.  Most people believe that the dead continue…

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7 Ways to Pray for the Women of the 10/40 Window
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718SHARESShareTweet Who are the women of the 10/40 window? They are daughters, they are businesswomen, they are widows, they are beggars, they are teachers, they are farmers, they are mothers;…

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The Parable of the Unreached People Group Fisherman
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1.1kSHARESShareTweet This parable is a vision that Father God gave me when sitting on the banks of the Mekong River in China, and seeking His heart for the unreached people…

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10 Practical and Powerful Ways to Support Missionaries
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1.2kSHARESShareTweet Sadly, over the centuries of missionary efforts, there has been a huge disconnect between the church at home and those sent to the mission field. People at home are…

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10 New Year Resolutions for Missions
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393SHARESShareTweet A new year is here and with it come a wide array of new initiatives, ambitions, and resolutions. Many of these resolutions will prove altruistic and some will see…

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Small Town China
What reaching the unreached looks like for me
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332SHARESShareTweet I arrive in the little “old town” tourist area a half hour before class. It is 9:30 in the morning and the sleepy little town is just waking up.…

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14-year-old Burmese girl rescued, baptized, and growing in her new Christian faith
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770SHARESShareTweet If ever there was an unassuming ragamuffin misfit whom God loves to use to display His glory to the nations it is Zhang Rong. He has been working with…

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I only give the first row candy just like the Church only gives the reached world Jesus
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488SHARESShareTweet It might have come across a little crass, but I’m glad I did it. The world we live in is not a fair place. Not everyone gets the nice…

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If you say you care about the kingdom of God then it’s natural to care about the unreached
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654SHARESShareTweet The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every alcove and cranny of the earth. The Spirit of God is coursing over precipitous mountains in Southeast Asia,…

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Tibetan Prayer Flags
Free Tibet
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797SHARESShareTweet The Roof of the World – it sounds so dramatic, adventurous and cold. If you mention Tibet or Tibetan people, many people think of Mount Everest, the Dalai Lama…

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Vignettes and glimpses of Within Reach Global outreach
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622SHARESShareTweet It’s happening now: the pitter-patter of tattered shoes treading over mountain and valley, rock and heather. Mud clumps cling to the shallow cleats underneath missionary boots, and although the…

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A short-term American team’s journey to unreached regions
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663SHARESShareTweet Every Within Reach Global excursion to China’s rural countryside is a unique glimpse of the unreached world, a panoramic reminder that the Great Commission task is not yet finished.…

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International Day for the Unreached
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597SHARESShareTweet Today is a special day, a day that holds great meaning for us at Within Reach Global. In fact, it’s the reason that this ministry exists. Our motto simply…

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Orphan kids and Chinese college students join us in a journey to unreached peoples
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333SHARESShareTweet Tucked between high rising cliffs and precipitous mountains, there is a verdant valley that lies quietly forgotten in Southwest China. There are no known Christians there, and the communities…

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Send 10 Chinese missionaries to Tribal Family Gathering conference in Thailand
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376SHARESShareTweet We need a total of $3,000 for this need. This cost covers airfare from China, accommodation, food and conference fees. Would you consider bringing refreshment to our pioneer missionaries?…

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Supernatural healings are taking place in China
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576SHARESShareTweet If there’s one thing that we have found over the last 20 years it is that our God is a missionary God! We see this from Genesis to Revelation:…

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Give Your Red Packet (红包) For Chinese New Year
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311SHARESShareTweet It’s Chinese New Year and we don’t want you to feel left out! Sure, you might be missing the bowls of spicy fish, the explosive chaos of fireworks, the family gatherings…

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2 Stunning Udemy Video Resources That Every China-minded Christian Should Take
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267SHARESShareTweet One of our values at Within Reach Global is excellence. We love to see the arrival of high-quality resources in the Christian world, particularly those focused on China. It…

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Chinese Christians Brave Subzero Climates to Attend Underground Church
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455SHARESShareTweet Shrouded and obscured within the mysteriously misty regions of China’s bucolic backwoods, a group of Chinese minorities crisscross the footpaths from their ramshackle homes to another shoddy structure that…

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Gospel mp3 Worship Keeps Hospitalized Woman Alive [Video]
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482SHARESShareTweet Do you know what we love about our passionate team of missionaries? They’re always gearing up to go anywhere, eat anything, sleep anywhere, do anything for the sake of…

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