151 Years Ago Today Hudson Taylor Landed In China And The World Would Never Be The Same Again

151 Years Ago Today Hudson Taylor Landed In China And The World Would Never Be The Same Again

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Today is an important day in Christian missions history, one that would altar my future and the future of millions in China.

See what happened every single day of the year in Missions History Today.

Here’s today’s missions history:

“1854 March 1, 1854 — Hudson Taylor, the eventual founder of the China Inland Mission, lands in Shanghai, China.”

One simple sentence. It is almost too simple.

An arrival.
A commencement.
A new horizon of possibilities.

Not just a new start for one man, but for generation to follow in his footsteps. I am one of the many who are honored to be the fruits of Hudson Taylor’s successful legacy.

He could not have had an idea what an impact he would make on millions of Chinese and generations of missionaries to follow in his footsteps. He simply stepped out in obedience to follow God’s call upon his life, and God orchestrated the rest.

You see, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be,” said King David in Psalm 139.

God is penning an epic narrative of missional living to the uttermost parts of the earth, and we are privileged to be a part of that call.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I wonder what future legacy will be left by your obedience. I consider the same thing for me.

Baby steps.
Simple obedience.
A joy in the journey.

I pray that my actions at Within Reach Global today, like James Hudson Taylor’s, will ripple into eternity.


For a great message from John Piper, Check out this video: