Project: Ministry Van – $45,000
Within Reach Global needs a ministry vehicle to host international short-term mission teams, transport interns to ministry sites, and conduct leadership trainings in rural areas. A Toyota Commuter van will allow us to expand our gospel impact among unreached communities.
The purchase of a new vehicle will impact 200 short-term missionaries and 12 interns. Additionally, a minimum of 7,000 more will experience their first encounter with Jesus as each visiting individual travels with us to ministry sites among unreached communities. 5,344 people encountered Christ for the first time in 2024, and we expect to surpass this number in 2025.
Our target demographic is Thai college students, underprivileged communities, tribal people groups, and rural villages in Thailand. The individuals, families, and communities we serve are some of Southeast Asia's most unreached and unengaged people in the 10/40 Window, yet they are open to spiritual and societal change.
Within Reach Global operates in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, the country's second largest city. Additionally, we travel extensively throughout Chiang Mai Province and Lamphun Province, ministering in tandem with our partner pastors and churches. These regions are home to Southeast Asia's most unreached communities, typically with a Christian population of less than one percent.
The purchase of a new ministry van will immediately achieve our major goal of connecting worldwide Christians with unreached communities. Over 25 years of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in unreached regions has shown that our outreaches, trainings, and other Christian events advance this goal.
Within Reach Global plants or helps plant new churches in unreached areas each year. We instantly disciple new believers using our proven curriculum. This leads to local church planting and transformed communities. Owning a ministry van and retaining income from short-term teams and interns secures the ministry's future. Since we won't need to rent vehicles or pay drivers, mission longevity will increase gospel momentum among unreached communities.
1. Enable 200 short-term missionaries and interns to join our outreach efforts among unreached communities.
2. Provide 7,000 individuals with their first gospel encounter through our short-term teams and interns.
3. Ensure the safety and security of visiting missionaries and interns with a reliable ministry vehicle.
4. Alleviate the financial loss in outside vehicle rentals, and retain the monetary income supplied through short-term guests.
5. Redistribute retained finances into hiring new indigenous Christian missionaries.
Make all checks payable to Within Reach Global
and write “Access Campaign” in the memo. Send to:
Within Reach Global
P.O. Box 1591
Prescott, AZ 86302

Within Reach Global needs $45,000 to acquire a commercial ministry vehicle, a 15-seater Toyota Commuter van. Each year, we welcome short-term mission teams and interns from around the world. We’re always looking for rental vehicles and drivers to take these teams to rural outreach and urban ministry venues in Chiang Mai and the surrounding areas. In addition, Within Reach Global conducts many leadership trainings in rural communities throughout the year. Vehicle and driver rentals and vehicle upkeep consume a large amount of mission trip team expenses; thus, we cannot use team funds for ministry expansion.
In order to address these needs and maintain financial stability through our short-term visiting teams and interns, Within Reach Global must acquire a commercial van to facilitate the transportation of missionary teams. The ministry will be able to expand by safely conveying short-term teams and interns to ministry locations and retaining the funds that are generated through our mission trip experiences with the help of this vehicle. The sole focus of our ministry remains to take the gospel to unreached communities, make new disciples, and plant new churches. This ministry vehicle enables us to travel greater distances to address spiritual poverty in Thailand.
For the past 25 years, we have observed the effectiveness of utilizing short-term mission trip teams and interns to support our long-term strategy of sharing the gospel, discipling new believers, and planting new churches. When people come in a short term mission trip or join the Within Reach Global internship, they gain a heart for unreached communities. In the long term, this dynamic short-term experience motivates individuals to donate financial support to the ministry, join our ministry programs, or become long-term staff volunteers. Owning our own vehicle mitigates the financial burden associated with vehicle and driver rentals, allowing us to reach unreached communities.
General Information
Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Make all checks payable to: Within Reach Global
Write “Access Campaign” in the memo and send to:
Within Reach Global, P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Within Reach Global is a Candid Guidestar Platinum Transparency 2025 non-profit organization. Learn more at Guidestar.
The fulfillment of the Great Commission can only completed as every nation, tribe, people, and language group gain access to the message of Jesus Christ. By owning our own ministry vehicle, we accelerate gospel access for those who have never heard of Jesus before. The vehicle helps us travel to rural areas, initiate evangelistic outreach, lead short-term teams and interns to ministry sites, disciple new believers, conduct leadership training, and plant churches.
This project does not require any additional finances apart from typical vehicle maintenance, which will be provided through Within Reach Global's general fund. Rather than becoming a burden to the communities we seek to reach, owning our own vehicle frees us to give gospel access with ease. Additionally, our local Thai missionaries and future ministry leaders minister within a secure ministry environment with the tools they need to impact Thailand for Christ.
Yes. This is one of Within Reach Global's highest values as all our outreach efforts aim to create indigenously-led ministry. We work in partnership with our local churches, Victory Church Chiang Mai and Chosen Generation, Chiang Mai. We also partner together with a handful of Christian organizations like Campus Outreach, Campus Crusade for Christ, and other local Christian churches in Chiang Mai Province, Lamphun Province, and beyond.
Yes! Both Within Reach Global, Inc. and National Christian Foundation are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations. When you give to the Access Campaign through WRG or NCF you will receive a gift receipt via the address you provided.
Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Legal Name: National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 58-1493949
Address: 11625 Rainwater Dr. Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA 30009-8678
For all general inquiries about the campaign, please contact the Access Campaign Manager, Mark Tawlks:
Mark Tawlks, Access Campaign Manager
Within Reach Global
Mobile: +1.707.688.7800