Project: Local Missionaries – $24,000 ($6,000 per Individual)

As the ministry of Within Reach Global grows and expands its reach among unreached communities, we need to hire four (4) new local Thai missionaries at $500 per month ($6,000/year). Indigenous missionaries are the key to addressing Thailand’s striking spiritual poverty and creating a long-lasting impact among the unreached.

Number of people project will serve

Four new local missionaries empower ongoing ministry among the unreached, resulting in increased numbers of salvation, disciples, and church plants. Within Reach Global's success is largely due to empowered indigenous leadership who have planted 75 church, established nine outreach centers, and presented the gospel to more than 100,000 unreached individuals.

Description of target population to be served

Our target demographic is Thai college students, underprivileged communities, tribal people groups, and rural villages in Thailand. The individuals, families, and communities we serve are some of Southeast Asia's most unreached and unengaged people in the 10/40 Window, yet they are open to spiritual and societal change.

Geographic area served by this project

Within Reach Global operates in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, the country's second largest city. Additionally, we travel extensively throughout Chiang Mai Province and Lamphun Province, ministering in tandem with our partner pastors and churches. These regions are home to Southeast Asia's most unreached communities, typically with a Christian population of less than one percent.


As our primary goal is to bring the gospel to unreached communities, these four new local missionaries will launch Christian ministry through ongoing outreaches, trainings, and other Christian events. This project advances Within Reach Global's long-term objective of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in unreached communities. We place each local missionary in ministry styles that are appropriate for their personality, skillset, and vision, such as translation, interpretation, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, Business as Mission (BAM) projects, and so on. Local missionaries thrive and succeed in spreading the gospel in their towns, cities, and countries, which benefits the entire ministry.


1. Hire four (4) new passionate local missionaries to help launch gospel advancement in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and the surrounding cities and provinces.

2. Extend our gospel reach to 10,000 people per year through continued evangelistic efforts.

3. Enhance the experience and impact of visiting short-term mission teams through high-quality outreach led by indigenous Christian leaders.

4. Develop long-term sustainability for Within Reach Global, with the goal of handing over ministry leadership to local Christian leaders.

5. Contextualize the gospel through local missionaries, demonstrating to unreached Thai people that the Christian message is intended for them and their culture.


Make all checks payable to Within Reach Global
and write “Access Campaign” in the memo. Send to:

Within Reach Global
P.O. Box 1591
Prescott, AZ 86302

As the ministry of Within Reach Global grows and expands its reach among unreached communities, the need for more local staff and missionaries increases. Presently, over twenty full-time staff minister at Within Reach Global in Thailand, with an additional ten working in China and Myanmar. Our presence at university campuses, rural villages, and unreached communities creates a gospel impact, but we need more manpower to address Thailand’s striking spiritual poverty. Many Thai believers have a heart to join gospel-centric outreach, but financial concerns hinder them from joining Christian ministries. We will expand the good news rapidly and effectively by providing $500 per month ($6,000/year) for new indigenous missionaries.

Our vision is to identify, equip, and financially support passionate Thai believers who feel called to full-time ministry. By partnering with churches and individuals who share our mission, we aim to remove financial barriers that prevent indigenous believers from joining the harvest. Through structured training programs, mentorship, and practical resources, we will empower these missionaries to effectively share the gospel in their own language, culture, and context. By raising $500 per month for each missionary, we can mobilize Thai Christians to reach the unreached in ways that are both sustainable and impactful, ensuring the good news spreads throughout Thailand and beyond.

Within Reach Global’s success hinges upon the vision to empower indigenous missionaries to reach their communities, ethnic tribes, cities, and countries for Christ. We have seen tremendous impact when local Christian leaders are at the forefront of our outreach efforts. Our Discipleship Equipping Path helps Thai believers pave inroads into our community, extending the gospel naturally in a country with less than a one percent Christian population. Local missionaries take part in all aspects of ministry, whether student outreach, urban ministry, or rural church planting, multiplying our impact in regions without a gospel imprint.

Non-Cash Giving

By donating long-term, appreciated assets such as stocks, real estate, and business interests before the sale, you can reduce taxes and send more to the Within Reach Global Single-Charity Fund at the National Christian Foundation. (Watch video to learn more.)

General Information

Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302

Make all checks payable to: Within Reach Global
Write “Access Campaign” in the memo and send to:
Within Reach Global, P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302

Within Reach Global is a Candid Guidestar Platinum Transparency 2025 non-profit organization. Learn more at Guidestar.

How does this project advance the completion of the Great Commission?

The fulfillment of the Great Commission can only completed as every nation, tribe, people, and language group gain access to the message of Jesus Christ. By supporting indigenous Thai missionaries, we ensure the longevity of ministry efforts in Thailand and the surrounding nations. These local Christian leaders enhance evangelistic outreach, discipleship programs, leadership training, and church planting efforts, contextualizing the gospel to Thailand's spiritual needs.

How will this project avoid dependency on the people or population being served?

We enable, rather than impede, local missionaries by meeting their financial needs while they serve in ministry. Our local staff are not merely paid workers, but rather full-time ministers empowered to spread God's kingdom within their sphere of influence and beyond. Our local Thai missionaries and future ministry leaders take ownership of Within Reach Global's aim to impact Thailand for Christ.

Will this initiative collaborate or partner with another organization or church?

Yes. This is one of Within Reach Global's highest values as all our outreach efforts aim to create indigenously-led ministry. We work in partnership with our local churches, Victory Church Chiang Mai and Chosen Generation, Chiang Mai. We also partner together with a handful of Christian organizations like Campus Outreach, Campus Crusade for Christ, and other local Christian churches in Chiang Mai Province, Lamphun Province, and beyond.

Is my gift tax deductible and will I receive a gift receipt

Yes! Both Within Reach Global, Inc. and National Christian Foundation are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations. When you give to the Access Campaign through WRG or NCF you will receive a gift receipt via the address you provided.

Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302

Legal Name: National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 58-1493949
Address: 11625 Rainwater Dr. Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA 30009-8678

I still have questions. Who can I contact?

For all general inquiries about the campaign, please contact the Access Campaign Manager, Mark Tawlks:

Mark Tawlks, Access Campaign Manager
Within Reach Global
Mobile: +1.707.688.7800