Project: Fusion Center 2 – $80,000
Within Reach Global is seeking help to open its second Fusion Center at a new university campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This center establishes a gospel beachhead at Rajabhat University through a BAM (Business as Mission) model, giving Thai college students their first gospel presentation.
With a student body of 15,000, Rajabhat University is a prominent campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Since the opening of the first Fusion Center, we have seen over 3,000 Thai college students enter our doors. Working in tandem with our ministry partners at Victory Church Chiang Mai, The Fusion Center 2 location will impact no less than 3,000 individuals within its first year, with the potential to impact 15,000 students.
Our target demographic is Thai college students who have come to Chiang Mai from all over Thailand. They are generally in Chiang Mai for four years. Recent reports have confirmed that Thai young people are among the world's most anxious generation, with suicide rates higher than the global average. The majority of students come from a Buddhist background, and have never been given a clear gospel presentation. These students are some of Southeast Asia's most unreached and unengaged people in the 10/40 Window, yet they are open to spiritual and societal change.
The Fusion Center 2 is located in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, the country's second-largest city. This region is home to Southeast Asia's most unreached communities.
As our main objective is engaging a high volume of Thai college students with the gospel, the project will be successful when the Rajabhat University student body considers Fusion Center 2 (Red Panda Coffee) their primary off-campus hangout spot. Our ongoing events and dynamic free game room accelerate this objective, as we have previously observed at our other Red Panda Coffee locations.
Our strong partnership with Victory Church Chiang Mai ensures that student engagement is of utmost priority, with new believers being discipled and integrated into the local church.
We will successfully impact unreached students by partnering with Rajabhat University faculty to host ongoing events throughout the school year. These partnerships ensure our strong ministry presence on and around the campus.
Red Panda Coffee is becoming a profitable and recognizable brand in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Ongoing promotions, Google ads, and social media advertising establish the business—and thus the student center—as a fun and inviting spot for college students, achieving financial and ministry success.
1. Engage 3,000 Thai college students with the gospel.
2. Partner with Victory Church Chiang Mai to disciple 200 believers and integrate them into the local church within the first year.
3. Establish the Fusion Center 2 as a ministry hub for an additional 4 ministries and 4 local churches in Chiang Mai.
4. Partner with Rajabhat University faculty to host monthly events throughout the school year.
5. Ensure that the business aspect of Red Panda Coffee is profitable.
Make all checks payable to Within Reach Global
and write “Access Campaign” in the memo. Send to:
Within Reach Global
P.O. Box 1591
Prescott, AZ 86302
Within Reach Global needs $80,000 to open its second Fusion Center at a new university campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand. As Thailand’s profound gospel depravity permeates the country, campus outreach centers, ministries, and outreach are rare. Thai college students typically do not receive a clear gospel explanation, and few Christian mission centers exist at or around university campuses. After over 200 years of Protestant missionary work in Thailand, the future leaders of Thailand and its neighbors still await a gospel imprint due to the lack of a permanent student outreach center targeting college students with gospel efforts.
To address these needs, Within Reach Global has initiated the establishment of gospel beachheads at the entrances of university campuses through a BAM (Business as Mission) model. This model unlocks opportunities for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. After observing the first Fusion Center’s success at Chiang Mai University, we are now seeking to open another college student center that will impact Thai students for Christ. The Fusion Center 2 is situated at the entrance of Rajabhat University, a prestigious institution in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with a student body of 15,000. The Fusion Center 2 also features a coffee shop (Red Panda Cafe), a free game room, language training, Alpha Courses, and special events that are specifically designed to engage the next generation of leaders in Thailand.
This second college campus student center will provide Thai college students their first gospel explanation and make disciples. The Fusion Center 2 includes a Red Panda coffee shop, a free game room, a leadership training center, cell-group discipleship opportunities, and a house of prayer. The Fusion Center 2 partners with Victory Church Chiang Mai, a Thai/international, non-denominational, missions-focused church in northern Thailand. This relationship supports Within Reach Global’s long-term goal of making disciples in unreachable places through dynamic student outreach due to its quick expansion and student focus.
General Information
Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Make all checks payable to: Within Reach Global
Write “Access Campaign” in the memo and send to:
Within Reach Global, P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Within Reach Global is a Candid Guidestar Platinum Transparency 2025 non-profit organization. Learn more at Guidestar.
The fulfillment of the Great Commission can only completed as every nation, tribe, people, and language group gains access to the message of Jesus Christ. Jesus clearly states in Matthew 24:14 that "this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to each nation, and then the end will come. We strongly believe in following the commands of Christ to go into all nations—particularly those without a gospel imprint—to give gospel access, disciple new believers, and plant the local church where it has not previously existed. The Fusion Center 2 accelerates this gospel access in Southeast Asia's most unreached country.
This project becomes self-sustainable through the establishment of BAM (Business as Mission) initiatives like Red Panda Coffee. Rather than becoming a financial burden on local leadership, it frees them to focus on Christian outreach. Additionally, the close collaboration with Victory Church Chiang Mai ensures that all outreach funnels ministry through the local church, growing indigenously-led ministry.
Yes. This is one of Within Reach Global's highest values as all our outreach efforts aim to create indigenously-led ministry. We work in partnership with our local church, Victory Church Chiang Mai. We also partner together with a handful of Christian organizations like Campus Outreach, Campus Crusade for Christ, and other local Christian churches.
Yes! Both Within Reach Global, Inc. and National Christian Foundation are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations. When you give to the Access Campaign through WRG or NCF you will receive a gift receipt via the address you provided.
Legal Name: Within Reach Global, Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 26-3499455
Address: P.O. Box 1591, Prescott, AZ 86302
Legal Name: National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN Number): 58-1493949
Address: 11625 Rainwater Dr. Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA 30009-8678
For all general inquiries about the campaign, please contact the Access Campaign Manager, Mark Tawlks:
Mark Tawlks, Access Campaign Manager
Within Reach Global
Mobile: +1.707.688.7800