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Missionary Died Thinking He Was A Failure; 84 Years Later Thriving Churches Found Hidden In The Jungle

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1kSHARESShareTweet Being a missionary is difficult because you cannot calculate success like a businessman can, measuring results by total assets, number of staff, or financial income. Life transformation is not nearly as tangible as most occupational positions. Being a missionary is measurable in eternal coin, but admittedly, we are oftentimes…

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How China Deals With The Epidemic Of Internet-Addicted Teens Is Kind Of Shocking | 7 Min. Documentary

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318SHARESShareTweet In 2008, China declared internet addiction to be a clinical disorder, saying it’s a top health threat to its teenagers. “Some kids are so hooked on these games that they think taking a restroom break will affect their performance at these games. So they wear a diaper. That’s why…

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Everything Is About Us. Or Is It? A Life Dedicated To Something Greater

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95SHARESShareTweet Sometimes my Facebook feed inspires. After unfollowing all the people who did nothing but post selfies of their beautiful faces all day, A richer social media experience returned. I saw people posting things that mattered, things that make a difference in the world. “We want to live a life…

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This Hilarious Guy Quit His Job, Left His Wife And Travelled To Save The World

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265SHARESShareTweet For some reason, we’re under the strange impression that to change the world, we need to drop everything in our lives and do something radical for God. While God certainly calls every Christian to radical Christian mission—not just unintentional social media slacktivism—I believe that he has gifted us all…

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