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]]>We want to be dream-makers and vision-instigators!
Within goal in mind, we host bi-annual missionary conventions for our local missionaries. We gather everyone together from all our outreach centers, worship together, pray for one another, speak into their lives, and launch them into the ministries God has called them to.
Our recent missionary convention was a powerful time of learning and growing together. We reviewed our vision and mission:
Vision: Our vision is to honor God by reaching unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window with the Christian gospel.
Mission: We accomplish our vision by trailblazing to places where there is no presence of the gospel, discipling, training and partnering with local believers, establishing outreach centers, planting churches, and releasing church plants to reach their own people groups.
We heard testimonies of God’s greatness and spent time in His presence. We taught about the Father heart of God, of our identity as sons and daughters, the armor of God, renewing your mind (based on the book, Switch On Your Brain), and Holy Spirit refilling and refreshing. Everyone had a wonderful time and felt refreshed for the next season of ministry.
Our local missionaries are our heroes. We believe that God will use indigenous missionaries and ministers to bring revival in Southeast Asia. Please pray with us.
To support one of our outreach centers, click here.
To support one of our local missionaries, click here.
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]]>The post International Day for the Unreached appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>It’s a day that stirs our souls with passion for God’s glory and for those who have never heard of Him before.
Sunday, May 20 is recognized as the International Day for the Unreached.
We want to invite you to join the 90-minute LIVE broadcast that will begin at 5:00PM PST / 8:00PM EST
Believe it or not, 5 billion people on earth have no relationship with Jesus, including 2 billion who have never heard the gospel.
Check out the incredible facts about the unreached on Within Reach Global’s 10/40 Window page here.
Today is the International Day for the Unreached! Watch LIVE and join us in prayer here!
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They’ve never heard. Not once. And they have no access to the good news.
Of the nearly 12,000 people groups on earth, 7,000 are less than 2% evangelical (i.e., unreached people groups). Even more troubling is the fact that approximately 3,200 of these groups (i.e., unengaged-unreached people groups) have no believers working among them with a church planting strategy. Learn more here.
This reality burns in our hearts at Within Reach Global. We exist to honor God and reach the unreached. Do you care about those who have never heard of Jesus before? You might want to read this riveting article.
The above statistics are common knowledge in some evangelical circles and among the missionary community. However, it troubles us that so many Christians have little understanding about the reality of brokenness among unreached people groups.
Sunday, may 20, 2018, marks the International Day for the Unreached.
What difference will it make on Monday?
This is a question you and I need to answer. If we say we care about the things of God, it follows that we share His emotion and passion for those without a hope of hearing His good news.
The Apostle Paul wrote,
“I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.” (Rom 15:20-21, ESV).
Go with us to the unreached and unengaged. Learn more about Within Reach Global’s outreach centers and local missionaries.
Let’s join together to publicize the name of Jesus in regions largely left out of our evangelical priorities.
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]]>The post Supernatural healings are taking place in China appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>God on mission to redeem his people from every corner of the planet.
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We have seen a number of supernatural healings take place in our outreach centers. When the residential guard outside The Hub church fell ill, our local missionaries prayed over him, and he was completely healed! He was so grateful that he immediately joined our local house church and is growing in his new Christian faith.
Another Chinese woman who recently came to know the Lord suffered from leg paralysis for 3 years. Her family abandoned her (for she brought shame to their household) and she was living alone without any family support. She came to our church complaining of extreme pain in her leg. Sleep eluded her and her misery was evident. Before the church service ended, our local missionaries prayed for her. Immediately, she felt the release of pain from her legs and walked home without discomfort! Watch the video here!
Soon after that, as one of our local missionaries was walking back home, they realized that their neighbor’s child was sick. They prayed for her, and the following week, they saw the child well and active. The parents marveled at this and gave testimony that after they prayed for the child, she was instantly healed! The family then gave their lives to the Lord and are now attending our local church!
She was instantly healed! The family gave their lives to Jesus, attending church!
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One of our dear Chinese missionary wives recently feel ill. She lives and ministers with her family on the China/Vietnam border at Pilot outreach center. Her husband took her to the nearby city to see a doctor because of a large lump that formed on her throat. The doctor informed her that she required immediate surgery. But because she had just given birth to her baby 3 months earlier, she was uncomfortable taking the doctor’s advice. Our whole missionary team (both foreign and Chinese) began to pray for her. The next day, the lump on her throat shrank! She returned to the hospital and the same doctor who wanted to operate on her her now said informed her that she no longer needed a surgery! We continue to pray for her complete healing. Please join us in prayer for our dear sister.
Your prayers make a difference! E.M. Bounds said, “Give your best hours of your day to prayer.” And A.B. Simpson said “Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.”
Prayer works! It doesn’t mater where you are at present. There’s no need for a change of geographical coordinate or magical airplane ride to an exotic land. You don’t have to be a missionary, you just have to be linked to the heart of God! Time spent on your knees creates powerful shifts in the world of the divine. It is the linking of our hearts with the heart of God for the souls of men.
Time spent on your knees creates powerful shifts in the world of the divine.
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Will you like your heart to ours as we seek to make Jesus known among unreached people groups?
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]]>The post Unreached People Groups Don’t Always Live In Ugly Places appeared first on Within Reach Global.
#Unreached people groups don’t always live in ugly places. #missions
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Say the word “unreached” and mental images of ugliness and debasement are generally evoked.
Either that or we subliminally gather these individuals and communities into a large group of nebulous humans. A sea of humanity. A massive conglomeration of bobbing and weaving heads without faces.
In our mind’s eye, they are barely human. Sometimes the “unreached” don’t feel real to us.
By unreached I am not simply referring to individuals who will darken the door of church this Sunday. I’m not talking about unsaved people or neighbors who live as though God were dead.
I’m talking about people—whole communities of people—without access to the Christian Gospel.
Whole communities of people without access to the Christian Gospel.
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Stop for a moment. Can you picture that? There are no churches, no Christian bookstores, no Gospel radio broadcasts, no missionaries, and no believers among them. They simply have no idea who in the world this Jesus that we speak about actually is.
Unfathomable. The notion of it all makes me uncomfortable and angry.
But alas, we’ve learned to live with the reality. So we do church and small groups, and we’re busy with the things that we’re busy with. To be fair, most of the stuff we’re busy with is good old fashioned decent stuff. Well, at least some of it.
Truth be told, we simply don’t have that much spare time to consider the plight of the unreached world in the 10/40 Window.
Anyway, they’re far away. They live in dumps. It’s hard to get to them. And besides, someone else—maybe a church or para-church organization—will figure out what to do about them.
Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
But sadly, we haven’t gone far beyond our own zip codes. Meanwhile, millions are still waiting at the other end of our obedience.
We have misinterpreted information about who the unreached actually are. Let me remind you: they have names and faces. They are making plans for the weekend. They like to drink coffee and leafy green tea. They want justice and they have hopes for a better future. They are mothers and fathers and uncles and aunties and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters.
The unreached people groups of the 10/40 Window are real.
UPDATE: The #unreached people groups of the 10/40 Window are real.
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They live in urban megacities and street side shanties. Some are the poorest of the poor. Others have more money than you have ever seen in your entire life. They live in beautiful, bucolic countrysides, along the banks of curious rivers cascading toward ocean inlets.
Here’s what I encourage you to do: Remember them. Remember that God delights to use you to go where many can or will not. He wants to hear your prayers bubble forth; to beseech Him to draw people to Himself by the power of the Holy Spirit. You can do this. You have time. Not only that, you are called to do this.
You can sow financially into an organization that is focused on reaching the unreached. You can travel abroad on a short-term mission trip. You can be a part of God’s epic redemptive salvation plan of bringing every nation, tribe, people, and language to the throne of grace.
Unreached people groups don’t always live in ugly places. Sometimes their settings are quite serene. But life without the knowledge of a Savior is barely life at all.
Maybe it’s time we helped change that.
Life without a Savior is barely life at all. Maybe it’s time we changed that.
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Adapted from blog by
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]]>The post Anti-Human Trafficking Training For Southeast Asia’s Heroes appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>Heroes who risk their lives and well-being to rescue perishing souls from the “dragon” and then impart healing and Sprit-life into them.
They do it through midnight hikes, shining hope and carrying living water to women who are devalued and persecuted by their husbands. These women escape under the cover of night to drink of the life flowing from these heroes.
These heroes do it by rescuing neglected, starving, and “sold” children, bringing them both real and spiritual food. Then they bring these precious ones into the loving arms of a family.
These heroes are rescuing neglected, starving, and “sold” children.
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The suffering and traumas these heroes face are counted as joy if only they can see their Savior’s glorious face.
Yet, even heroes need an occasional break and encouragement from the Christian family. They need new equipment to use in their daily “search and rescue” missions. They need to know that they are not alone.
On July 15, some of these heroes came together in the sticky, humid air in the jungles of Southeast Asia. They came to fellowship together, learn of their Heavenly Father’s love and receive new trainings. It was a joy to be one of the teachers—and humbling at the same time.
I looked into one man’s tearful eyes as he poured his heart out about the multitudes of starving children at The Edge outreach center he oversees. As he spoke, he held a baby he had just adopted out of human trafficking. I thought to myself, “He should be teaching me how to have more faith and love!” Yet all he sought was a listening ear and encouragement that he was on the right track. “Don’t ever give up,” I said. “God is using you mightily!”
For 2 days, these heroes learned about deliverance, forgiveness, how to involve communities in stopping human trafficking, and also learned a very impactful curriculum about God’s heart and plan for women. They were delivered from lies and also had prophetic words of encouragement spoken over them.
In a world filled with so many distractions, let’s not forget to pray for these dear brothers and sisters, who die daily to love the broken and bring salvation to unreached places. Let’s listen to the voice of our Heavenly Father. Perhaps we might just step out of our comfort zones, bring help to Christian heroes, and entertain angels in the process.
step out of your comfort zone, bring help to Christian heroes, entertain angels.
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We will continue to bring new trainings to these missionary heroes. But it costs money. If you feel led to give towards this joyful cause, donate here.
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]]>The post Voice Of The Martyrs Just Donated Over 1,000 Gospel MP3 Players appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>Voice of the Martyrs @VOM_USA just gave us 1,160 Gospel MP3 players!
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We have been partnering with Voice of the Martyrs for a few years now, and we are blessed by their generosity.
This is the third shipment of Gospel-loaded MP3 players that we have received. And they go fast! Within a few days, nearly all of these gifts were given to unreached people groups and rural house churches in Southwest China.
This blessing empowers our outreach centers to continue reaching unreached peoples who have no chance to hear the Gospel.
Pray with us for those who still remain untouched by a Christian presence. Perhaps God is calling you to take part even now.
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]]>The post 2015 Year In Review appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>Persecution. Revival. Police beatings. Underground trainings. Baptisms. Discipleship. Local missionary homes demolished by the government. Hope. Joy. Glory. You’ll be amazed at all that God has done through the ministry of Within Reach Global!
See the full scope of God at work in Southeast Asia. Get the Within Reach Global 2015 Year In Review here!
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]]>The post Thankfulness: The Divine Response Toward Persecution [Video] appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>Yes, that’s what we want. But the persecution that arises in the midst of end times living is something we would rather not have to deal with. Still, persecution is a promise from Jesus.
Did you catch that? Persecution is one of Jesus’ promises for us as Christians: “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” – John 15:20
Did you catch that? #Persecution is one of Jesus’ promises for us as Christians.
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For scheduled live video broadcasts about missions, follow me on Blab.
Persecution is very fresh after recently being interrogated yet again in China. In a few days I will be returning to the same city where everything went down—with my wife and daughter—to officiate the wedding of our local missionary who was beaten by the police.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. – Matthew 5:10-12
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you. – Matthew 5:11
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Are you surprised when an onslaught of animosity toward your Christian faith occurs? Strange. Persecution is actually perfectly normal. It is part of our Christian walk. It is a blessed promise from the Son of God himself.
Persecution is actually perfectly normal. It is part of our Christian walk.
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How would we expect anything less from the One who suffered so much for the sake of the world?
True, the words of Spurgeon ring in my mind more often than not as I ponder my response to Christian persecution: “If I were God and the world treated me as it treated him, I would kick that wretched thing to pieces!” That’s the natural human emotion that occurs. But we are called to live in a much broader more divine response to the opposition and ridicule—even beating and imprisonment—that we may face for being a Christian, namely, thankfulness.
We are called to live in a much broader more divine response toward persecution that we may face for being a Christian, namely, thankfulness.
Are you thankful when you receive persecution? I encourage you to be. You are blessed when you are, strangely enough, even more so than when you’re not.
Are you thankful when you receive persecution? I encourage you to be. #blessed
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A paradox. Something you might not want to admit, but it’s true. I have sensed it when Brother Yang sat on my couch in China, cigarette burns on his body, and he prayed an inspiring prayer:
“Thanks you, Jesus, that I was considered worthy to suffer with you in the missionary venture!” Tears streamed down his face as he prayed. Tears streamed down my cheeks as well. I recalled the words of Pastor Samuel Lamb, who had been imprisoned for his Christian faith for 21 years, who said, “More persecution, more growth. That is the history of the Church!”
In the midst of persecution, God, may your will be done and may you receive glory from your Church.
Image credit: Catherin Moon
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]]>The post There’s A Bunch Of People Who Have Never Heard Of Jesus, And Chances Are, You Don’t Care appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>There’s a bunch of people who have never heard the gospel. Chances are, you don’t care.
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Excitement and empathy are not enough. Compassion must be put into motion.
It’s empathy with wheels. It’s care with commitment.
It’s true. Unreached people are the forgotten population of the world. But you DO care, don’t you?
One of my Facebook friends just commented on my status the other day. “I love to see all the neat stuff you’re doing over there on the weird side of the planet!”
I Liked that comment.
It struck me.
I got it.
It was a little more clear to me.
“Your experiences determine what you see,” Craig Groeschel says, and so I write about my weird side of the planet.
*Names changed for security purposes.
The first time met *John was at The Hub outreach center, the Within Reach Global student center where we are reaching out to college kids in the Southwest part of the country.
“There’s no way I will ever become a Christian,” he told me. “I am a communist party member. I can’t believe in God.”
“That’s totally up to you,” I replied.
I’ve found that the best way to share the gospel is to let people make their own decisions instead of force feeding them Jesus on a spoon, or in John’s case, chopsticks. I knew God had his radar on him anyway, and it was only a matter of time before he embraced the life of Christ. “Poor guy! He can’t escape the power of the gospel even if he tried!” I thought to myself.
But John kept coming to The Hub, engaging in relevant conversations about life, God and culture. He was there every Thursday, tricking himself into thinking that he could run from reality of a powerfully good God.
3 weeks after I met him, I asked, “So John, do you believe in God yet?”
“I don’t believe in God, but I trust him.” he told me. “I don’t think he exists, but I feel him,” he continued in self defeating rhetoric. “I am not a Christian, but sometimes I pray to God.”
“I think you’re closer to becoming a Christian than you realize,” I told him with a roguish smile.
A few more weeks passed. John began to realize God’s radar was zoning in on him. We began to see him transforming. “Yep, only a matter of time,” I thought.
After 10 months of sharing life with him, John told us he wanted to become a Christian.
After The Hub English Corner, we found a quiet place in the back room, and prayed together. The atheist’s journey would end that night. A new young man was formed on the 22nd floor of our student center.
Soon after, he began telling his friends about God. He would lead discussions about how Jesus transformed his life. Chinese students listened amazed and confused at his life change.
A few weeks later, we baptized him in a lake at the foot of a thousand year old city.
An atheist turned evangelist. You’ve read stories of that before in Acts, and the 29th chapter is still being penned.
The stories of life transformation are still being penned! Acts 29 continues!
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*Barry, from the Yi tribe, had a similar story.
Lorna was talking to a group of 11 girls under the shadow of an ancient pagoda as the sunset turned pink and orange on the far horizon of a town 3 hours west of The Hub outreach center. The girls listened intently, but Barry kept interrupting her.
“I don’t believe in God! Let’s change the subject.” After 20 minutes of his constant interruptions, Lorna finally got fed up. “Why don’t you just shut up and listen!” she said boldly.
The lights clicked on.
A spiritual moment.
Something broke.
Barry gave his life to Christ that night, and couldn’t explain what happened, except that “I feel God’s presence right now,” he said.
Within a month he had led 21 of his friends to the Lord!
Within a month after getting saved, former Chinese atheist Barry led 21 friends to Jesus!
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These are the stories of the 10/40 Window, where religion is suppressed, or worse, illegal.
But the forward progression of God’s life transforming movement can’t be bottled.
Brother Fu, who got saved after being set free from writhing on his dusty village floor in demon possession, agrees.
And Brother Li, who drunk punched our Within Reach Global local missionary after he shared the gospel in his village. He got saved 10 months later, attended Bible school and literacy training, and is now a missionary to his own people group.
I have circuited most of Southwest China. I have eaten dog and cat and other, shall we say, “unique” delicacies. Not necessarily because I love the pungent taste of puppy and kitten so much. Not because a bowlfull of live grub worms is particularly delectable either. It’s because when you spend the night in the poorest of the poor tribal village, and they serve you the best they’ve got, it’s hard to turn down a meal and make your impoverished host lose face.
“Eat whatever is set before you.” I remember Jesus’s command, pull up my sleeves, and dig in.
They have never heard the name of Jesus. I know because when I ask, they question if “Jesus” is a brand of soap, or a medicine they’ve never heard of.
They have never heard of Jesus. Is he a soap brand? A medicine? No concept at all.
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The reality of their status as an unreached people group gets under my skin. Or should I say, it really pisses me off. It makes me jealous.
Why should anyone hear the gospel twice, before everyone has heard it once? – C.T. studd
I have traveled to too many unreached people groups to number. And after all these experiences, it is clear to me that God is still jealous for them to have a witness of the gospel.
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world, as a testimony to every nation, and then the end will come. – Matthew 24:14
Hasn’t God put a stipulation upon himself, that until every tribe, people, and linguistic ethnic group has had the opportunity to hear the message of salvation, he cannot return?
I think YES.
And so, I pray that the things that break the heart of God would in the very least, prick mine as well.
I am a statistic just like you. But I pray that the things revolving around our personal experience will not distract us from God’s overall plan of redemption, namely, that every people group on earth has the chance to hear about him.
I mean, seriously, in the 21st century, and 2 billion people have never heard of Jesus? That’s just not fair.
2 billion people have never heard of Jesus?! That’s just not fair.
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In 1976, there were an estimated 17,000 unreached people groups. As of 2012, there were only estimated 6,921 unreached peoples. The statistics are changing because Christians are beginning to see the bigger picture. (Joshua Project)
I know of only one way of changing the mathematical chance that I don’t care: it’s simply to care.
One way of to change the mathematical chance that I don’t care: simply CARE.
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Care with commitment. For some that means with your wallet. For others it means with your hands and feet.
In the vast plain to the north I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been––villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world. – Robert Moffat, 1795-1883, missionary to Africa, father in law of David Livingstone
Put wheels on your empathy.
Be a voice for the voiceless.
The 10/40 Window will not be home to unreached people groups forever, because we’re going to get up and do something about it.
People are waiting at the other end of our obedience, Photo by Jacob Smith
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]]>The post We Just Printed Hundreds Of Discipleship Books For New Chinese Christians appeared first on Within Reach Global.
]]>“You just kick the tree and the fruit is falling to the ground! That’s how ripe it is.”
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“When you tell me about this God of yours, something tells me that it is real.” – Chinese atheist
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Please continue to pray that the spiritual vacuum in China will be filled by the presence of Jesus.
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