We Have Done So Much With So Little For So Long

that we can now do anything with nothing

We Have Done So Much With So Little For So Long That We Can Now Do Anything With Nothing!

1024 768 Within Reach Global

Right now I am at The Bridge outreach center region. There are 8 universities within a 5 mile radius, and over 100,000 college students studying here.

It’s the perfect place for people with a passion for reaching Chinese college students who know little to nothing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

But our ministry vehicle’s gas tank is on empty. We have 120 Chinese Yuan ($20) between all of us, and all our bank accounts are tapped out.

#missionaryissues. That’s a good hashtag for our present situation. Every missionary who reads this will understand the gravity of the situation.

It can be frustrating. That’s the honest truth. We don’t have a get-rich-quick scheme going in China. That’s never really panned out for us. We are living by faith, saying “yes” to God as he calls us to reach young people with love and truth. But the resources are always hovering near empty, just like our ministry vehicle’s gas tank.

I guess we’d better call it quits, right?


No way! With or without financial support from back home, we are pressing forward with our purpose to create life transformation and help spark revival at The Bridge center.

I am reminded of the missionary motto we formed over a decade ago:


We the unknowing and limited, led by the All-knowing and Limitless, have done so much with so little for so long that we can now do anything with nothing!

Our gas tank is on empty.
Our bank accounts are drained.
Our wallets are ridiculously thin.
We have no promise of support for The Bridge center, and yet we are full of hope and passion, and could care less about all the negative financial issues we are in the midst of.


It’s hard to steer a parked car. – Jim Elliot, 1927-1956, missionary martyr in Ecuador

We will step out in faith. We will swipe a credit card if we need to, and drain the balance. We will walk forward with empty pockets, praying that God will supply our next meal. We will stay busy about the Father’s work because the fields are ripe for harvest. In abundance or in lack, we are ready to go anywhere, do anything, sleep anywhere, eat anything that Jesus might be lifted up among these 100,000 Chinese college students at The Bridge.

we have done so much with so little for so long that we can now do anything with nothing 002

Last night, we made it to one of the universities despite our empty gas tank. We used our last Chinese Yuan for dinner. We hosted our exciting English Corner, and saw over 75 young people attend. 12 prayed a prayer of salvation. 5 are lining up to be baptized this weekend. God is honoring our work!


God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply. – J. Hudson Taylor, 1832-1905, missionary to China

We went to sleep tired and joyful, and overnight a Paypal donation for $2,000 came in to the Within Reach Global account with a note, “For reaching the unreached.”

This week all our local missionaries are coming from our 6 outreach centers, near Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos. So 100% of this money will go to:

Local missionary transportation
Travel to and from villages
Student travel and lodging
Baptism of new disciples
Vision planning training
Missionary convention
Meals and lodging
Marriage seminar

Thank you for your giving! Thank you for playing a powerful role in reached unreached peoples with us. “Go, send or disobey.” Your obedience empowers us to help spark revival in The Bridge region.

Want to give to Within Reach Global and help us reach thousands of Chinese college students? Donate today and partner with us.

Send checks made payable to “Within Reach Global” to:
Within Reach Global Inc.
P.O. Box 1591
Prescott, AZ 86302