This Hilarious Guy Quit His Job, Left His Wife And Travelled To Save The World

This Hilarious Guy Quit His Job, Left His Wife And Travelled To Save The World

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For some reason, we’re under the strange impression that to change the world, we need to drop everything in our lives and do something radical for God. While God certainly calls every Christian to radical Christian mission—not just unintentional social media slacktivism—I believe that he has gifted us all in unique ways to use our talents and abilities to make a difference in the world.

Quit your job.
Move to a foreign land.
Learn the language.
Make a difference.

Though that may be the case for some (if that’s you, stop making excuses!), it may not be exactly what  God wants for every single Christian.

So what does God want?

There’s no doubt in my mind that at the forefront of his heart are the unreached people groups of the 10/40 Window—people who have still never even heard the Christian gospel message. They’ve never heard of what a Jesus is. They have no churches in their vicinity. They do not know a Christian.

I’m not suggesting that you sell everything you have, and move to the poorest village in China. What I am suggesting is that you get involved in intentionally reaching unreached people groups with us at Within Reach Global.


Warning: it might take some cash! It might require giving above and beyond what you’ve already set aside “for God”. It might take some more hours on your knees, praying, interceding, asking God to send workers to his ready harvest. It might require you adopting an unreached people group, or a missionary working among the unreached. It might stretch your faith, and break your heart, and make you shed more tears than you have before. It might cause you to consider people outside your own personal sphere.

God is drawing us beyond our comfort zones.

Less padded pews.
Less sexy, feel good Christian infomercials.
Less going through the motions, pretending that we are living our lives for God when really all we are doing is perpetuating dead religion.

The more we come to see the heart of God, the more we realize it is full of people. And if there are some out there who have never heard about him before, then they should be the ones on the top of our priority list.