The bible says they’ll go to hell:
“He will punish those who do not know God … They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.” — 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9
I suppose those people DO deserve to burn forever in an everlasting pit of fire and torture. I mean, I know that as a father myself, if I forgot to tell my kids not to touch dad’s special peanut butter, and they did, not knowing wouldn’t be a good enough excuse. As a loving parent it would be my duty to inflict the most pain and suffering I possibly could on them for as long as I possibly could, until child protective services came to stop me, those evil, atheist fiends.
We need to give these people “” as much money as possible to get the word to those kids about their heavenly father’s rulebook before they die and He… well, let’s not talk about what will happen to them for eternity. It’s not very pretty.
]]>One ray of hope is that as powerful as the mind-virus meme of Christianity can spread and protect itself, the main weakness that overcomes it is the simple, cleansing sunshine of scientific and other repositories of information on the internet. As computing devices and broadband access becomes cheaper and cheaper, that sunshine with spill its rays into the darkest corners of Africa and other bastions of ignorant superstitious fervor and the youth will share their new knowledge with their friends. Eventually they’ll grow up and stop infecting their children.
In a couple of generations, Christianity will be viewed by most as, at best, a silly tradition practiced by uneducated grandparents and at worst, dangerous infection that must be inoculated against lest it spread.