bibles Archives | Within Reach Global Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:37:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bibles Archives | Within Reach Global 32 32 Blessing Tribes In The Conflict Zone Thu, 17 Jun 2021 04:43:48 +0000 The entire world has become more aware of the Burma Conflict because of recent protests and stories in the news. In February 2021, the military took control of the country. Since then, unrest gripped not only the major cities but the border regions as well when the Burma Army dropped bombs on innocent villages. Many […]

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The entire world has become more aware of the Burma Conflict because of recent protests and stories in the news. In February 2021, the military took control of the country. Since then, unrest gripped not only the major cities but the border regions as well when the Burma Army dropped bombs on innocent villages. Many deaths have been reported and thousands have been displaced. The Karen ethnic tribe is a particular target for the brutal Burma Army. Thousands of Karen people fled to the Thailand border in hopes to receive help. However, little help came. Right now, thousands of people are living in the jungles because it is not safe to remain in their homes.

Last week, the Within Reach Global Thai Outreach Team traveled down to the Thailand and Myanmar border. The purpose of the trip was to work alongside our ministry partners along the border and encourage their ministry efforts. We wanted to help initiate a gospel-centric outreach that met the tangible needs of hurting people, too. The team encountered numerous people who have been seriously impacted by Myanmar’s ongoing war. The images they saw and the things they experienced were heartbreaking. They visited a children’s home of 25 kids (soon to have 25 more) from Buddhist or animist families. The children are between the ages of 10 and 15 years old. These children were given the opportunity to have a safe space away from the tragedies of war. They are receiving a menial education as they reside together, far from their families. Many of them have lost loved ones along the way.

The kids our team encountered were scared, shy, and overwhelmed because familial ties were broken and their entire world turned upside-down. All hope seems lost through the eyes of these little ones. Military attacks continue relentlessly, and everything is uncertain.

Imagine your kids in this situation. It would tear you apart. This should cause Christ-tethered compassion to rise up in your heart and mine.

Driven by compassion, we supplied the children with the blankets, mosquito nets, and mattresses you provided. Your generosity was felt. For the first time in months, the kids have a blanket to stay warm during lonely nights and hope to know that someone cares.

But that’s not all you helped provide. We also brought Bibles in the Karen language so that they can learn God’s word. This is how you’re impacting people on the other side of the world. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Most of these kids had never heard the gospel before our team arrived.

The Bibles we provided empowered the leader of the home to share stories from God’s word and introduce these precious kids to the love of God.

But the list of needs goes on for miles. Thousands of people still need shelter, food, and clean drinking water.

While we desire to meet all of these physical needs, more than ever we want to address their spiritual deficit. We want these people to meet the Savior of the world: Jesus!

Your prayers and generosity in providing for underprivileged and forgotten people do not go unrecognized. We encourage you to pray that God continues to raise many Christians from around the world who will help these lost and hurting unreached peoples.

The post Blessing Tribes In The Conflict Zone appeared first on Within Reach Global.
