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Orphan kids and Chinese college students join us in a journey to unreached peoples

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Tucked between high rising cliffs and precipitous mountains, there is a verdant valley that lies quietly forgotten in Southwest China. There are no known Christians there, and the communities that dwell in this bucolic landscape have never heard the Christian Gospel. #Orphan kids and Chinese college students join us in a journey to #unreached peoples!…

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Send 10 Chinese missionaries to Tribal Family Gathering conference in Thailand

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We need a total of $3,000 for this need. This cost covers airfare from China, accommodation, food and conference fees. Would you consider bringing refreshment to our pioneer missionaries? You can donate by Paypal or credit card. We thank you for sowing into the eternal harvest we are witnessing in Southeast Asia! Frontier ministry is…

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Supernatural healings are taking place in China

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If there’s one thing that we have found over the last 20 years it is that our God is a missionary God! We see this from Genesis to Revelation: God on mission to redeem his people from every corner of the planet. And the incredible part is that He invites us to join Him in…

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Give Your Red Packet (红包) For Chinese New Year

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It’s Chinese New Year and we don’t want you to feel left out! Sure, you might be missing the bowls of spicy fish, the explosive chaos of fireworks, the family gatherings and overall festivity that marks the lunar calendar. But you can still play a part by making a special donation to our missionaries at Within Reach…

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Chinese Christians Brave Subzero Climates to Attend Underground Church

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Shrouded and obscured within the mysteriously misty regions of China’s bucolic backwoods, a group of Chinese minorities crisscross the footpaths from their ramshackle homes to another shoddy structure that doubles as both one family’s living space and an underground Church. The climate is unrelenting here: subzero temperatures hunting for victims, the cold seeping through tattered…

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Gospel mp3 Worship Keeps Hospitalized Woman Alive [Video]

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Do you know what we love about our passionate team of missionaries? They’re always gearing up to go anywhere, eat anything, sleep anywhere, do anything for the sake of the Gospel! They are concerned for the least reached people groups of the 10/40 Window and they are singular in their focus of taking the grace…

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Orphaned Children Give Gifts To Impoverished Kids In China

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Here’s something that we love: young orphaned children experiencing the love of their Heavenly Father! And not only are these young ones experiencing the love of God, they are also learning to share His grace and glory with those around them. Watch these orphaned children give gifts to impoverished kids in China! #unreached Click To…

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A Powerful Christmas Party in China

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It was a power-packed Christmas party, complete with side-splitting laughter and moments of intense importance. The advent of the Kingdom of God alters atmospheres, and everyone in the room was filled with a sense of delight at the true meaning of Christmas. Power-packed Christmas party in China, side-splitting laughter, intense importance. Click To Tweet No,…

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Christmas Without Borders

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In this blog you’ll learn 4 ways you can be part of a Christmas without borders: Pray for our missionary team Give a special Christmas donation Join our Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team volunteer your time, passion, and expertise   The holiday season is in full swing. The masses are on a spending spree to…

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Secret Church: Replica Of An Underground Meeting

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“Police bugged the building. They took one of our church members. The government is watching our every move. The lights will be off and the curtains drawn. Worship will be whispered. This is life in a restricted access nation.” That’s what we told the youth at Lifepointe Church in Prescott Valley, Arizona on Wednesday night.…

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