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If you say you care about the kingdom of God then it’s natural to care about the unreached

1024 682 Within Reach Global

The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every alcove and cranny of the earth. The Spirit of God is coursing over precipitous mountains in Southeast Asia, refreshing communities embanked along Africa’s rushing rivers, awakening longing spirits in North America’s urban neighborhoods. The Kingdom of God is advancing around the world, permeating every…

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Vignettes and glimpses of Within Reach Global outreach

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It’s happening now: the pitter-patter of tattered shoes treading over mountain and valley, rock and heather. Mud clumps cling to the shallow cleats underneath missionary boots, and although the journey slows, our ambition swells. “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known”—this our intention like that of the…

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A short-term American team’s journey to unreached regions

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Every Within Reach Global excursion to China’s rural countryside is a unique glimpse of the unreached world, a panoramic reminder that the Great Commission task is not yet finished. The global Church is busy with multiple ministries and missional outreach—most of which are wonderful examples of the heart of God. But sadly, in our busyness,…

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International Day for the Unreached

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Today is a special day, a day that holds great meaning for us at Within Reach Global. In fact, it’s the reason that this ministry exists. Our motto simply stated is this: Honor God. Reach the unreached.     So with that in mind, we encourage you to head on over to There’s 2…

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Orphan kids and Chinese college students join us in a journey to unreached peoples

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Tucked between high rising cliffs and precipitous mountains, there is a verdant valley that lies quietly forgotten in Southwest China. There are no known Christians there, and the communities that dwell in this bucolic landscape have never heard the Christian Gospel. #Orphan kids and Chinese college students join us in a journey to #unreached peoples!…

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Send 10 Chinese missionaries to Tribal Family Gathering conference in Thailand

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We need a total of $3,000 for this need. This cost covers airfare from China, accommodation, food and conference fees. Would you consider bringing refreshment to our pioneer missionaries? You can donate by Paypal or credit card. We thank you for sowing into the eternal harvest we are witnessing in Southeast Asia! Frontier ministry is…

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Supernatural healings are taking place in China

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If there’s one thing that we have found over the last 20 years it is that our God is a missionary God! We see this from Genesis to Revelation: God on mission to redeem his people from every corner of the planet. And the incredible part is that He invites us to join Him in…

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Give Your Red Packet (红包) For Chinese New Year

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It’s Chinese New Year and we don’t want you to feel left out! Sure, you might be missing the bowls of spicy fish, the explosive chaos of fireworks, the family gatherings and overall festivity that marks the lunar calendar. But you can still play a part by making a special donation to our missionaries at Within Reach…

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2 Stunning Udemy Video Resources That Every China-minded Christian Should Take

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One of our values at Within Reach Global is excellence. We love to see the arrival of high-quality resources in the Christian world, particularly those focused on China. It is obvious that ChinaSource, one of our partner organizations in ministry, shares this value of excellence as well. Two of their resources are what we consider…

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Chinese Christians Brave Subzero Climates to Attend Underground Church

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Shrouded and obscured within the mysteriously misty regions of China’s bucolic backwoods, a group of Chinese minorities crisscross the footpaths from their ramshackle homes to another shoddy structure that doubles as both one family’s living space and an underground Church. The climate is unrelenting here: subzero temperatures hunting for victims, the cold seeping through tattered…

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