Wang Jianwei

Sponsorship ID: CH105, Full description below

Your sponsorship will help Wang Jianwei and his family continue to reveal God’s love for family, community, and spiritual fellowship in a region that has meager Gospel witness.

Wang Jianwei, Sponsorship ID: CH105

Rural church planting among unreached peoples in China.

If there’s anyone who can plant a church in a difficult region it’s Wang Jianwei. Within a 6 month period, God used this humble servant to establish 12 new churches among his own people group! All this happened amidst anti-Christ cult activity and government persecution.

What’s his secret? Perhaps he takes Jesus’ words to heart on a daily basis: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” Wang Jianwei knows that apart from the presence of God he can do nothing.

Wang Jianwei is a jovial man in his early fifties, a husband, and father of 2 teenage children. He and his wife have a deep love for people. This love is expressed through evangelism, discipleship, and Christian community. He has a pastoral heart and is passionate about raising up new Christians.

Unreached people groups surround the area where Wang Jianwei and his family reside. And if that barrier to the Gospel were not enough, Wang Jianwei and his family have experienced a number of recent spiritual attacks, seeking to render their evangelistic family useless. First, a  car accident that left him toothless and beat up. Second, regular police visits and scrutiny. Third, torrential rains that destroyed the family’s ramshackle home.

But each of these spiritual attacks only served to embolden Wang Jianwei’s evangelistic fervor! Our local missionaries gathered together and are helping rebuild his family’s home now.

Come difficulty or dismay, Wang Jianwei continues to plant new underground churches and usher in the advent of Christian revival among unreached people groups!

*Names have been changed for security purposes. Images of actual missionaries may not appear so as to protect their identities.*